Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by the occurrence of seizures, often caused by the electrical activity of the brain. Epilepsy, also known as seizure disorder, may occur due to an inherited genetic disorder or an acquired brain injury.
A seizure is a result of excessive and abnormal brain cell activity where the affected individual experiences abnormal behavior, symptoms, and sensations. In this article, we will provide a full guide to everything you need to know about epilepsy.
What Causes Epilepsy?
Although there has not been an obvious detectable cause of epilepsy, most medical practitioners believe it could be traced to infections, brain trauma, metabolic issues, and genetic causes.
A seizure can be caused by whatever interrupts the normal connections between nerve cells in the brain, including a high fever or a brain concussion. However, when a person experiences more frequent unprovoked seizures, they may have epilepsy, which could be caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters, strokes, or a brain illness.
Types of Epilepsy
Seizures are classified into two main types: focal and generalized, depending on which part of the brain is affected. When abnormal electrical brain activity occurs in one or more brain areas, focal seizures, also known as partial seizures, frequently occur. This type of seizure can either be simple or complex, depending on which area of the brain is involved and the loss of consciousness.
On the other hand, generalized seizures are mainly characterized by loss of consciousness as they involve both sides of the brain. Types of generalized seizures include absence seizures, atonic, and grand mal seizures, which are the classic forms of generalized seizures. As well as myoclonic seizures, infantile spasms, and febrile seizures.
Symptoms of Epilepsy
Different symptoms of seizures are classified into groups according to the movement involved. These groups include generalized onset seizures that are characterized by motor or non-motor symptoms.
As for motor symptoms, they take the form of sustained rhythmic jerking movements, while non-motor symptoms can have brief twitches. Moreover, focal onset seizures also include motor and non-motor symptoms in the form of repeated automatic movements.
Diagnosis of Epilepsy
Creating an accurate seizure diagnosis can be challenging when trying to assemble the available information. If you think you might have had a seizure, it’s important to consult a doctor because sometimes you may not be aware of what you’re going through.
A medical professional will figure out if what you had was a seizure, and whether it was caused by another condition other than epilepsy through some procedures like evaluating your medical history, performing a neurological exam, and brain imaging.
Treatment of Epilepsy
While seizure medicines, or anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs), are the first step in epilepsy treatment, medical professionals often seek other approaches for treatment like seizure control devices, dietary therapies, or surgeries. With a single aim in focus: managing seizures by reducing their frequency without disrupting normal brain function.
Living with epilepsy can be challenging as it involves daily procedures like taking prescribed medication and making lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of seizures. It can also affect various aspects of life, such as work, school, travel, and daily surroundings. However, effective management can significantly enhance the overall well-being of individuals with epilepsy.
Epilepsy and Mental Health
Epilepsy and mental health go hand in hand, as it is common for individuals with epilepsy to experience psychological effects like anxiety, depression, or feelings of isolation while living with a chronic condition.
That’s why individuals with epilepsy should consider reaching out to mental health professionals. These experts can offer valuable advice, coping techniques, communication skills, and meditation practices, as well as engage them in stress-reduction activities.
Epilepsy and Workplace
Individuals with epilepsy often require open communication and understanding from coworkers and employers in the workplace, as they might need certain adjustments to their work environment or more flexible schedules to ensure their safety and minimize triggers for better seizure control.
Besides, it is a priority to educate coworkers about epilepsy to raise awareness, clear out any misconceptions, and promote a supportive work environment to guarantee productivity and success for people with epilepsy.
Epilepsy and Relationships
As it might be challenging for people with epilepsy to maintain meaningful relationships, it is necessary for them to have healthy connections. Family, friends, and partners should be fully aware of how to respond during seizures while providing solid support by being willing to adapt to the individual’s environment to build a network of meaningful connections.
Driving regulations for epilepsy individuals differ according to the prevailing law. Mainly, individuals must be seizure-free before being allowed to drive, and being consistent with medication schedules and check-up appointments also helps in getting back their driving advantage.
Epilepsy and Sports
Taking part in a sport or any kind of physical activity is crucial for the well-being of individuals with epilepsy. However, the individual affected should always seek proper precautions and guidance by working closely with a healthcare professional to point out the risks and the recommended activities.
When individuals with epilepsy are on board, safety precautions should be taken to ensure a safe and entertaining trip. It’s important to have a sufficient medication supply handy, pack any kind of medical record, and research local medical facilities at the destination. Additionally, travel companions should be aware of the individual’s condition and know how to perform seizure first aid to guarantee the wellness of affected individuals through proper preparation.
The Future of Epilepsy Treatment
Recent inventions and technological progress bring hope for better epilepsy treatment and seizure management. Scientists are constantly uncovering new therapies like dietary and drug treatments, as well as brain stimulation techniques. Additionally, seizure control devices are groundbreaking inventions. The future appears promising for improved epilepsy treatments that can enhance the quality of life for those affected by the condition.
What to Do During a Seizure?
Effectively managing seizure triggers can reduce the risk of seizures and enable you to identify patterns and be better prepared to handle them. The most effective approach to seizure management involves consistent adherence to prescribed treatments, thorough preparation, and strong support.
How to Help Someone Having a Seizure?
It is better to maintain a calm state to provide reassurance for those going through a seizure and remove any nearby fragile objects that could cause a risk of injury. It is very important to turn them onto their side to prevent choking, especially if they are asleep.
Also, you have to track the duration of the seizure after seizure first aid, and call for medical assistance if needed.
Surgery can be a foolproof treatment option for epilepsy individuals, especially those with uncontrollable seizures, as it involves disconnecting the part of the brain responsible for generating seizures.
An all-inclusive evaluation is conducted before an individual decides to undergo epilepsy surgery, which consists of brain imaging and electroencephalography (EEG) to identify seizure intensity.
In order to ensure the well-being of the mother and the baby, pregnant women with epilepsy require special care and proper management. It is important to note that some anti-seizure medications carry a higher risk of birth defects, so it might be helpful to switch medications, adjust dosages, or just follow your doctor’s instructions.
Epilepsy Awareness
Raising awareness about epilepsy is crucial for promoting knowledge, avoiding misconceptions, and supporting individuals with epilepsy. Additionally, the immediate action of self-education, communication with healthcare providers, sharing personal experiences, awareness campaigns, and community events can make a significant impact in raising epilepsy awareness.