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Understanding Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures

convulsiones psicógenas no epilépticas

Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) are a common and often challenging diagnosis. These events present as symptoms that mimic and often on the surface look like epileptic seizures. They can involve symptoms such as convulsions, limb shaking, loss of consciousness, uncontrolled body movements, and falls. From the outside it can often be difficult to distinguish between non-epileptic and epileptic seizures. 

Unlike epilepsy, PNES is not caused by abnormal electrical brain activity, but rather as a manifestation of psychological distress. Underlying psychological issues such as mood disorders, history of abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other psychiatric diagnoses are common in patients with PNES.  

Certain features such as excessively frequent seizures, very prolonged seizures, and lack of response to anti-seizure medications can raise the concern for PNES however the diagnosis is best made by an epilepsy specialist. Video-EEG monitoring that captures the events in question with simultaneous analysis of clinical video and brain wave recordings is essential in making a precise diagnosis. It is essential to get an accurate diagnosis as early as possible. Misdiagnosis can lead to unnecessary prescribing of anti-seizure medications and other implications.

PNES can be a challenging diagnosis to understand and accept. The events experienced in PNES are real and are not voluntarily initiated by the patient but rather a response to trauma or other real stressors.  Treatment should emphasize on addressing the underlying psychological problems and often centers around different types of psychological therapy, mainly cognitive behavioral therapy. Treatment may take time, but when working with a multi-disciplinary team of specialists familiar with the diagnosis the prognosis can be favorable. 

enhance accessibility and effective communication during your appointments
enhance accessibility and effective communication during your appointments
To enhance accessibility and effective communication during your appointments, we kindly request all deaf patients to download the P3 (Purple) mobile app. This app is a valuable tool that enables smooth and convenient consultations. Your healthcare provider is committed to ensuring your comfort and care, and using the P3 (Purple) mobile app will greatly contribute to that. This must be downloaded on your phone before your appointment date.
P3 MobileP3 Mobile - Apps on Google Play

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enhance accessibility and effective communication during your appointments
enhance accessibility and effective communication during your appointments
Para mejorar la comunicación efectiva durante sus citas, solicitamos amablemente a todos los pacientes con discapacidad auditiva que descarguen la aplicación móvil P3 (púrpura). Esta aplicación es una herramienta valiosa que permite consultas fluidas y convenientes. Su proveedor de atención médica se compromete a garantizar su comodidad y atención, y el uso de la aplicación móvil P3 (púrpura) contribuirá en gran medida a lograrlo. Esto debe descargarse en su teléfono antes de la fecha de su cita. 
P3 MobileP3 Mobile - Apps on Google Play

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